Pseudocontinuous ASL was collected using 30 pairs of tag and control acquisition using a 3-dimensional gradient-echo spin-echo (GRASE) acquisition. All images were registered to a high-resolution anatomical atlas. Average CBF measurements
within regions of contrast-enhancement and T2 hyperintensity were evaluated between the two modalities. Additionally, voxel-wise correlation between CBF measurements obtained with DSC and ASL were assessed. Results demonstrated a positive linear correlation between DSC and ASL measurements of CBF when regional average values were compared; however, PS-341 ic50 a statistically significant voxel-wise correlation was only observed in around 30-40% of patients. These results suggest DSC and ASL may provide regionally similar, but spatially different measurements of
CBF. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the mainstay of brain tumor imaging, both in diagnosis and treatment. Traditionally, clinicians rely on contrast enhancement to characterize the relative degree of malignancy in suptratentorial Tanespimycin tumors. However, with increasing evidence for the critical role of angiogenesis in determination of tumor malignancy and growth potential, imaging modalities capable of quantifying cerebral blood flow (CBF) have become attractive alternatives. Several studies have shown that higher grade brain tumors have significantly higher perfusion measurements than low-grade tumors,[1-3] suggesting that CBF measurements may be a better method
for characterizing brain tumor angiogenesis and monitor treatment response. As antiangiogenic therapy is now the standard of care for recurrent malignant gliomas, there is a significant need for monitoring changes in cerebral blood flow within Oxalosuccinic acid areas of suspected tumor independent of contrast enhancement. The gold standard for perfusion MR imaging is dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI, which uses a bolus injection of paramagnetic contrast agent, usually gadolinium, as a nondiffusible tracer for CBF. Calculations of CBF, CBV (cerebral blood volume; the fraction of tissue volume occupied by blood), and mean transit time (MTT = CBF/CBV, the time it takes for blood to pass through the vasculature within the tissue of interest) can be made simultaneously. However, this requires deconvolving the arterial input function (AIF) from the time series data. As a result, few studies have been done on the reproducibility of DSC measurements of CBF. Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a continually evolving noninvasive technique for quantifying CBF. ASL uses magnetically tagged blood water as an endogenous, diffusible tracer for blood flow. Specifically, blood in a feeding artery is subjected to an inversion pulse, and the magnetization can be followed as it is transferred to brain tissue by capillary exchange at a rate dependent on perfusion of the tissue.