Conclusion: Insulin, promotes HepaRG-hepatocyte differentiation and proliferation, however maintained high levels of signaling through this pathway impair maturation and lead to aberrant lipid accumulation. These results may facilitate refinement of current strategies designed to produce mature cells from various progenitor sources in vitro. Disclosures: The following people have nothing to disclose: Luke A. Noon, Alicia MartinezRomero, Jose E. O’Connor, Anne Comlu, Pascale Bouillé, Christiane Guillouzco, Deborah J. Burks Aim: To assess the utility of autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) peripheral vein infusion as a possible therapeutic modality and to confirm the supportive role of the stem
cell (SC) treatment for patients with end-stage liver diseases Methods: Forty patients with post-HCV end-stage liver diseases were randomized into 2 groups. Group 1, comprising 20 patients
and they have received granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) for 5 days followed by autologous MSC peripheral veins infusion. Group 2, comprising 20 patients and they have received regular liver supportive treatment and have served as Palbociclib ic50 a control group. Results: In the infused group (Gr. I), There was near normalization of liver enzymes and improvement in liver synthetic function (S. Albumin, Prothrombin time and concentration) in 54%. There was significant changes in albumin (p=0.000), bilirubin (p=0.002), INR (p=0.017), prothrombin conc. (p=0.029), AST (p=0.156) and ALT levels (p=0.029). Also, in Gr. I, there Sodium butyrate was stabilization of the clinical and biochemical status in 13% of cases. None of the patients in the control group (Gr. II) showed any significant improvement. Hepatic fibrosis was assessed in the treated group by detection of procollagen Ill C peptide level (PIIICP) (9.4 ± 4.2) and procollagen Ill N peptide level (PIIINP) (440 ± 189) (Pre treatment Value) in the patients’ serum. It was reported a decrease in the level of PIIICP (8.1 ± 2.6) and PIIINP (388 ± 102) after stem cell therapy (three months treatment Value) but they have not reached the significant value (6
months treatment Value) (p=0.7), however there was a significant correlation coefficient after three months between the serum level of the PIIINP and prothrombin concentration (p=-0.5) and between the serum level of the PIIICP and ascites (p=0.550) Conclusion: Our data showed that autologous mesenchymal stem cells infusion into the peripheral veins was effective and showed the same result as intrahepatic infusion from our previous studies (Salama et al, 2011) and confirmed the supportive role of mesenchymal stem cell treatment for end-stage liver disease with satisfactory tolerability and beneficial effects on liver synthetic functions and hepatic fibrosis. We have also observed in this study that the serum albumin has been improved within the first two weeks and prothrombin concentration improvement was delayed for almost one month.