In the past, the disease has also spread to Europe, specifically

In the past, the disease has also spread to Europe, specifically to Spain in 1969 and Spain and Portugal in 1987 [1] and [2]. The latest outbreak in Western Mediterranean countries lasted 5 years [3] and [4]. To date no effective treatment exists for AHS and consequently control of the disease relies on preventive vaccination. AHS vaccines, based on attenuated AHS viruses, have been in use in South Africa for almost 100 years and permitted

the subsistence of horses in that part of the world. There are nine different serotypes of AHS virus (AHSV) and protective immunity is long-lived against homologous serotypes. Thus, vaccination in endemic countries is normally find more performed by administration of combinations of representative attenuated strains of each of the virus serotypes. Serotypes 5 and 9 are normally excluded from vaccine formulations. Serotype 5 is difficult to attenuate and partially cross-reacts with serotype 8; and serotype 9 does not normally occur in South Africa (the main AHSV vaccine manufacturing country) and partially cross-reacts with serotype 6 [3], [5] and [6]. Despite their apparent efficacy, live AHSV vaccines have a number of disadvantages [4]. These include: (a) the risk of reversion

to virulence; (b) the risk of gene segment re-assortment between field and vaccine strains; (c) the risk of introducing foreign topotypes into a new geographical region, since vaccines are based on South African strains; (d) the absence of DIVA (Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals) capacity, that is the BIBF 1120 mouse inability to serologically differentiate vaccine-induced immunity from that induced by natural infection; and (e) the contra-indications for use in pregnant mares because of their teratogenicity. In addition to these science-based shortcomings of the live vaccines it is also important to consider the potential logistical delays between the first detection of an outbreak and the deployment of sufficient vaccine doses to where they would be needed. The recognised shortcomings of

Ketanserin existing live AHSV vaccines has meant that alternative vaccination strategies have been pursued over the years. These have included the use of killed vaccines [7], [8] and [9], vaccines based on baculovirus-expressed AHSV capsid proteins [10], DNA vaccines [11] and those based on the use of poxvirus expression vectors [12], [13] and [14]. The latter appear to be a particularly promising strategy, which has started to produce encouraging results. We have demonstrated recently that Libraries recombinant MVA viruses expressing VP2 from AHSV serotype 4 (MVA-VP2), the major capsid protein of AHSV and main target of virus neutralising antibodies (VNAb), induced VNAb in horses and complete protection against virulent challenge in a mouse model [12] and [13].

65-69 Although most data are supportive of SSRIs as a class in t

65-69 Although most data are supportive of SSRIs as a class in the treatment of geriatric depression, experts favor the use of citalopram or sertraline over fluvoxamine and fluoxetine54-70 because of their favorable pharmacokinetic profiles, a lower potential for clinically significant drug-drug interaction, and data suggesting their superiority in terms of cognitive improvement.57,58,71,72 One placebo-controlled study with sertraline

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in elderly outpatients with major depression treated in both psychiatric and primary care settings further supports use of SSRIs in geriatric depression.73 In the “old-old” population (>75 years old) with depression, active medication (citalopram) was no more effective than placebo, except for patients with high levels of baseline severity.74 Among the TCAs, where cardiac monitoring is recommended, nortriptyline is the most frequently used agent in the elderly, probably because it is considered the least cardiotoxic drug in this class Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and blood levels can be monitored. Adverse drug reactions increase dramatically in frequency and severity with advanced

age.75 Factors that may influence proper dosing include the different pharmacokinetic properties of antidepressants in elderly compared with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical younger patients and individual patient characteristics, such as cardiovascular or renal function. In elderly patients, antidepressant Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical side effects of particular concern include orthostatic hypotension and anticholinergic effects (more common with TCAs), as well as extrapyramidal symptoms, and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion. Course of treatment While it used to be assumed that the typical major depression was self-limiting (of 3 to 6 months duration) and associated

with complete recovery, the present view is not as sanguine. Clinical trials Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical have demonstrated that 30% to 40% of depressed patients fail to respond to firstline antidepressant treatment despite adequate adherence, dose, and Rolziracetam NVP-BGJ398 mouse duration,76,77 60% to 70% fail to achieve a complete remission of symptoms,78 up to 20% have not recovered 2 years after initiation of treatment,79,80 and 10% remain depressed despite multiple interventions.76,81 Many patients suffer from recurrent depression that requires long-term maintenance treatment to prevent future episodes of depression. Some depressive conditions, including psychotic depression, bipolar depression, and depression with psychiatric or medical comorbidity, have been associated with poor outcome and/or a higher degree of resistance to specific types of treatment or to treatment in general.82 Successful treatment of major depression may require more than one drug trial.

Thus, imaginal exposure seemed to contribute to the maintenance o

Thus, imaginal exposure seemed to contribute to the maintenance of treatment gains. In a second study, Foa et al25 compared the

efficacy of imaginal exposure with that of in-vivo exposure. OCD outpatients with checking rituals were randomly assigned to one of two treatment conditions: imaginal or in-vivo exposure. Ritual prevention was not included in the treatments. Both treatments involved 15 120-minute sessions over 3 weeks, and two home visits in the fourth week. Patients improved significantly in their OCD symptoms and continued to improve at follow-up (an average of 10 months Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical post-treatment). No significant differences between treatments emerged at post-test or follow-up.

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The authors concluded that both imaginal and in-vivo exposure offered clinically significant and lasting benefits to patients with OCD. In sum, although imaginal exposure does not appear essential for immediate outcome, it may enhance longterm maintenance and can be used as an adjunct to invivo exposure for patients who manifest fear of “disastrous consequences” Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical such as burglary in the absence of checking door locks and windows. The relative effects of exposure and ritual prevention To examine the relative effects of exposure and ritual prevention, Foa et al26 randomly assigned patients with contamination obsessions and washing rituals to treatment by exposure only (EX), ritual prevention only (RP), or their combination (EX/RP). Each treatment was conducted intensively (15 daily, 120-minute sessions conducted over 3 weeks) followed by a home visit. Patients in all conditions Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical improved at both post-treatment and follow-up. However, patients in the EX/RP treatment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (combining EX and RP) showed superior outcome on almost every symptom measure compared with EX-only or RP-only treatments. This superior outcome of the combined

treatment was found at both post-treatment and follow-up. When comparing the outcome of EX only with that of RP only, patients who received EX reported lower anxiety when SAR405838 confronting feared contaminants than patients who had received RP, whereas the RP group reported greater decreases in urges to ritualize than did the EX patients. Thus, it appeared that EX and RP differentially many affected OCD symptoms. The findings from this study clearly suggest that exposure and ritual prevention should be implemented concurrently; treatments that do not include both components yield inferior outcome. The relative efficacy of medication, EX/RP, and their combination Parallel to the development of effective cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD, there was a development of medication treatment for the disorder. Clomipramine was the first medication that showed efficacy in reducing OCD symptoms.

According to public authorities, this was the wish of the overwhe

According to public authorities, this was the wish of the overwhelming majority of the relatives. However, replies concerning this point in the questionnaire 18 months after the disaster show a clear majority of no-answers. This question has evoked the most frequent written comments in the questionnaires. Figure 5. Relatives’ opinions on whether the MV Estonia should be covered with concrete or not. The relatives who claimed to have been overlooked by the government make up ewer 80% of the total group (Figure 6). This figure may have changed since the appointment

by the government, 36 months after the disaster, of an Analysis Group to investigate the management of disaster emergency relief. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical This group gave

rise to high expectations among the relatives. In November 1998, a report from that investigation group concluded that the bodies should be retrieved and buried in Swedish soil.2 However, the government rejected the proposition.3 Figure 6. Percentage of relatives Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical who reported that they felt overlooked Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical by the government. Comments This is the first paper assessing the results of our questionnaire study. Future papers will discuss the psychiatric symptoms developed by the relatives and how the tragedy affected quality of life self-ratings. Preliminary results indicate that psychiatric symptoms were correlated with the type of familial relationship, ie, that they depended on whether the bereaved relative was a parent, partner, sibling, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical or child.8 Other publications available in English about the MV Estonia disaster include the report from the Joint Accident Investigation Commission,1 a research

report describing the psychiatric status among the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Swedish survivors 3 months after the disaster,9 as well as a chapter in a book by a Finnish psychologist describing the work of the Finnish Disaster Victims Identification Team.10 Certain limitations of the present study should be noted. No thorough investigation was performed in order to draw a comprehensive list of each victim’s close relatives. When a catastrophe occurs, there is always a question of who, among the victims’ relatives feels close or not. We have allowed the relatives to decide for themselves on this point, ic, whether they wished to participate in the survey or not. Contact with the families was established most Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor partly through the intervention programs held at Ersta Hospital, but mainly through a letter sent to all relatives who had been listed by the Swedish government. Further analyses will be done to identify and evaluate possible selection biases. When the first questionnaire was sent out three or four days before Christmas 1994, Ersta expected to receive many angry phone calls. Some doubt was expressed about sending the questionnaire to relatives with whom no prior contact had been made.

These patients, in turn, had improved OS compared

to the

These patients, in turn, had improved OS compared

to the median OS. Together, the results of this study support the rationale for NAC followed by esophagectomy in effectively downstaging patients and increasing the likelihood of an R0 resection and improved OS. Acknowledgements Funding: KMA is a Rubinstein Radiation Research Scholar. The authors would like to acknowledge the professionalism, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical expertise and dedication of the radiation therapists at the Oregon Health & Science University Knight Cancer Institute; Dr. Dolan’s authorship in this publication was supported by the Oregon Clinical and Translational Research Institute (OCTRI), and a grant (No. UL1TR000128) from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical official views of the NIH. Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
A 41-year-old Hispanic female patient, with a pertinent past medical history of poorly-controlled Selleckchem Duvelisib diabetes mellitus, was referred with an established diagnosis of Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL) type II. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The patient was complaining of 2 months of abdominal pain, associated with poor PO intake and 20 lbs weight loss with persistent nausea and vomiting. At presentation,

the patient diabetes was poorly controlled on oral hypoglycemic and high dose of long acting insulin with HbA1c of 16.4%. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Her liver function tests were perturbed with total bilirubin 1.5 mg/dL, alanine transaminase 521 units/L, aspartate transaminase 1,058 units/L and alkaline phosphatase 1,196 units/L. Hepatitis panel

was non reactive. On physical examination the abdomen was enlarged without fluid waves and minimally tender to palpation along the epigastrium/right upper quadrant with clear evidence of caput medusae. The radiological work up included an abdomino-pelvic computer tomography scan (CT), Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with iodide-based contrast. The reconstructed images revealed a large peri-pancreatic cystic tumor resulting in a mass effect obstructing the duodenal and the biliary system. There were Megestrol Acetate severe hepato-billiary dilatation, gastric-outlet obstruction, and radiological evidence of portal hypertension with splenic vein and main portal vein obstruction and evidence of development of large portal collaterals. Additionally, the scan incriminated a left renal tumor without adjacent invasion (Figure 1). Chest CT and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were negative for pulmonary and cranio-cerebral pathology. Subsequent CT guided biopsy of the left renal tumor and the cystic pancreatic tumor revealed a clear renal cell carcinoma and a serous pancreatic cystadenoma, respectively, on final pathology (Figure 2).

A magnetic resonance imaging scan of the penis was performed at t

A magnetic resonance imaging scan of the penis was performed at the time of the previous procedure which demonstrated possible partial cavernosal thrombosis at the base of the cavernosa as well as plaques within the tunica albuginea. On physical examination, the patient had a rigid penile shaft and glans, with pain on palpation. There were no palpable nodules Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and no overlying skin necrosis of the glans. There was also decreased sensation along the shaft. Penile ultrasound at this time demonstrated flow of 15

mL/s. Given the urgency of the presentation, the patient underwent surgical repair of priapism and penile exploration. During the procedure, a cavernostomy did not demonstrate any Selleckchem SCR7 significant amount of bleeding, raising concerns for a nonvascular etiology of the priapism. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Further exploration demonstrated

an extensive amount of fibrosis and necrosis of each of the cavernosal bodies. Intraoperative biopsies of the corpus cavernosa revealed adenocarcinoma consistent with metastatic prostate cancer. Postoperatively, the patient continued to complain of decreased penile sensation. A bone scan Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical demonstrated metastases to the pelvic region, and computer tomography images showed metastatic disease in left lower lung, liver, and abdominal and pelvic lymph nodes. The patient and family were counseled extensively on the extent of his disease as well as treatment options. He was then referred to oncology for further medical management and palliative treatment. Discussion Secondary penile lesions are a rare phenomenon, first described in 1870 by Eberth. Reviews of published case reports reveal that organs

along the genitourinary tract, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical such as the prostate and bladder, are the most common primary sites.2 Cherian and colleagues compiled a review of published cases of secondary penile tumors up to September 2006, listing a total of 372 primary site-specific cases of metastatic penile lesions.3 Using a PubMed literature search for published human cases with English abstracts and the keywords “penile metastasis”, “penile metastases”, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical “malignant priapism”, and “secondary” AND “malignancy” AND “penis”, we present here an updated listing of the reported cases of metastatic much lesions to the penis published since September 2006 (Table 1). In our extensive search we tabulated 29 published case reports of penile metastases since September 2006,8–35 including our present case. Building on the data from Cherian and associates, there are a total of 394 published cases of secondary penile malignancies to date. Of note, Zheng and colleagues found 22 cases of primary lung cancers metastasizing to the penis, a much higher count than that of Cherian and colleagues.26 Of the 394 documented cases, 129 (33%) cases were of prostate origin, and bladder cancer was a close second with 118 published cases (30%).

Compliance to medications,2,5,6,7 and adjustment to meal pattern

Compliance to medications,2,5,6,7 and adjustment to meal pattern are other issues to consider. In Malaysia, which is near to the equator, the daytime fast is about 14 hours. Such a long daytime

renders glycemic control a difficult task. Every year during Ramadan, many pregnant women with diabetes attempt to fast and continue to be on insulin. They usually seek the advice from health care providers on the dose and timing of insulin administration to enable them to fast. Pregnant women with diabetes, who insist on Ramadan fasting, require a reduction Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in the dose of insulin, since there is a general reduction in caloric intake. This requires diligent blood glucose adjustment and monitoring to ensure Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical maternal and fetal well-beings. It can only be successful with commitments from health care providers and dedication on the parts of the patients. Studies by Dikensoy et al.3,4 did compare healthy pregnant women who were fasting during Ramadan with those who did not fast. Up to the time when this current study was proposed, there was no published data on pregnant selleck compound diabetics in Ramadan fasting. Therefore, the present study was conducted to analyze the glycemic control in pregnant

women with diabetes, who were on insulin Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical therapy and fasted during the month of Ramadan. Material and Methods This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics and Clinical Research Committee. It was a retrospective study of a cohort of pregnant women with diabetes conducted in a tertiary hospital (Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre) during the month of Ramadan in 2007-2009. All women with diabetes during pregnancy who were on insulin and opted to carry out Ramadan fasting were Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical included in the study. Fasting pregnant women with gestational diabetes (GDM), or type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) requiring insulin treatment were included. The participants were managed by a combined team of doctors consisting of endocrinologists and obstetricians. The insulin regimen Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical during Ramadan fasting was tailored according to the participants’ regimen during the non fasting days with reductions in daily click here doses during Ramadan. The women were either on short acting insulin, intermediate acting insulin, or a mixture of them. The insulin injections during the daytime were omitted for the period of fasting. Insulin (short acting, Actrapid® 100 units/ml; Novo Nordisk, Brazil) were given half an hour prior to iftar (sunset meal) and sahur (dawn meal). If intermediate acting insulin (Insulatard®, 100 units/ml; Novo Nordisk, Bagsvaerd, Denmark) were required, this would have been given prior going to sleep. Since the participants opted to fast despite medical advice, they were counseled for possible complications, which may affect them or their fetuses. They were advised to break their fast with the advent of any signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia, even if they were mild.

An intact immune system appears to be critical to tolerating anal

An intact immune system appears to be critical to tolerating anal cancer treatment. A study from Emory University also found that HIV+ patients with CD4<200 did worse with anal cancer treatment (43). Of 17 HIV+ patients with anal cancer documented at Emory from 1994-2004,

only those with CD4<200 were unable to complete treatment (43). Antiretroviral drugs play a key role in controlling Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the HIV virus and helping bolster CD4 counts. Therapy for HIV changed dramatically in the mid 1990s with the implementation of HAART (highly active anti retroviral therapy). HAART therapy includes a combination of protease inhibitors (discovered/designed in 1995) and non nucleosidase reverse transcriptase inhibitors (1996). Widespread use of HAART came around 1999-2000. Papers discussing the use of HAART to aid in anal cancer treatment are thus limited. Hoffman et al (1999) at UCSF suggested that one patient in their cohort of 17 who initially Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical had a CD4 count less than 200 tolerated the standard of care treatment for anal cancer due to the addition of a protease inhibitor which bolstered the CD4 count to greater than 200 (42). A later study done by Stadler et al (UT Southwestern 2004) demonstrated a trend toward improved efficacy of anal cancer treatment in HIV+ AIDS patient treated with HAART (44). Stadler et al (2004) Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical compared outcomes in patients treated

for anal cancer preHAART and post HAART (44). The UT Southwestern study differs from the other studies in that the chemotherapy used was 5FU/cisplatin instead of 5FU/MMC. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical The RT dose was similar at 54 Gy. In this study all patients had AIDS at time

of diagnosis. Overall, 14 patients were analyzed, including 6 pre HAART and 8 on HAART. Stadler et al (2004) suggested a trend towards better treatment tolerability and outcome in patients treated with HAART. 2 year OS in patients on HAART was 67% vs. 17% in the pre-HAART era. 1yr and 3 yr mortality pre HAART was only 12% and 40% respectively compared to 67% and 80% for patients on HAART. The success of definitive treatment for HIV+ patients on HAART seems to Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical fare the same as HIV negative patients in the randomized Chlormezanone control BMN 673 trials. Moreover there was more toxicity in the preHAART patients (60%) compared to the HAART treated patients (50%) (44). It suggests that the HAART and increased CD4 count help patients tolerate treatment. Recent single institutional studies have shown that as long as HIV+ patients can tolerate the standard of care treatment for anal cancer and do not have AIDS (i.e. CD4<200), the efficacy and durability of treatment is similar to immunocompetent patients. A group from Paris (Blazy et al 2005) reported on a cohort of 9 HIV+ men all on HAART treated with chemoradiation (45). They found no correlation between CD4 count and toxicity. Clinical outcome was similar to immunocompetent historical controls (45). Yet another single institutional study from St.

A: Cortical network on substrate-embedded multi-electrode array

A: Cortical network on substrate-embedded multi-electrode array. The dark circle is a 30-μm-diameter electrode. Neurons are tagged using green fluorescent protein. B: Example of spontaneous activity simultaneously … In recent works by us and others the basic properties of the network spike were described.21–24 It is a synchronized population event Selleck Idelalisib governed by a threshold, which follows the logistics of neuronal recruitment

in an effectively scale-free connected network. The sequence of neuronal activation within these spikes is non-random and follows a hierarchy that is probably dictated by the topology of connections. We have also shown that using prior knowledge of this recruitment pattern Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the appearance of a network spike can be reliably predicted and used to alter and manipulate activity within and between neuronal assemblies.21,25–28 The effects of stimulation on these networks have also been extensively studied. It has been shown that extracellular electrical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical stimulation from spatially different sources elicits prototypical responses in the form of network spikes. These spikes exhibit two distinct phases of response

– an early, directly activated response in which action potential latencies are well preserved and a later, “downstream” Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical phase elicited by reverberation of activity which Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is very variable.29,30 Each neuron typically fires many action potentials in each network spike as it is being activated by many different propagation pathways (Figure 2). Figure 2 The evoked network spike (NS). All the panels are examples from a single experiment. A: An example of a single, stimulus-evoked NS. Each line is a raster plot of a single electrode. B: Population firing rate profiles of NS (population-count-histogram … The ability to stimulate electrically at different spatial locations, different repetition rates and stimulus amplitudes, over extended periods (up to weeks) allows a detailed characterization of the input-output

properties of these networks – as either models for Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical a generic neuronal assembly. Thus, we consider these networks as single entities, pooling together all the activity of the neurons comprising the network. In general there seems to be a monotonically albeit threshold-governed relationship between the stimulation amplitude and response amplitude and an inverse relation to the response latency. Moreover, it seems that as the stimulation frequency is increased, adaption processes kick in: when the stimulation frequency is “high” enough (i.e. 0.2–1 Hz) the network response initially undergoes a period of habituation, which is stimulus site-specific,31 but over time a complex non-trivial pattern of responsiveness emerges with response latency fluctuations exhibiting long-term correlations (Figures 2 and ​and3).3).

This map indicates the difference in regional cerebral blood flow

This map indicates the difference in regional cerebral blood flow … Drug side effects and human pharmacokinetics Haloperidol produces significant parkinsonism and akathisia in a large number of subjects even at very low dose levels. In a controlled multicenter trial that evaluated 4 to 16 mg/day dose levels, the motor side effects were evident,

at the lowest, dose, suggesting that motor side effects are inevitable, even at very Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical low clinical doses. However, other side effects produced by many of the first-generation antipsychotic drugs, like cardiovascular effects, anticholinergic actions, and hematological changes, are no particular problem with haloperidol. The compound fails to alter the QT interval on electrocardiography (ECG), a measure of cardiac repolarization time. Little weight gain has been documented with haloperidol. Haloperidol has only one minor metabolite (reduced haloperidol) and both parent and metabolite are easy to analyze. Halopcridol’s half-life Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in humans is 12 to 22 h in a mixed population and 12.2±2.6 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical h in “good” metabolizers. In our hands (N=10), the time to maximum concentration (Tmax) is 5±2 h, its distribution half-life is 1.3 ±0.03 h; peak plasma level after 10 mg oral concentrate (Cmax) is 12.3±6.7 ng/mL and elimination half-life

is 21.7 ±20 h (unpublished data). Treatment, studies from multiple laboratories indicate that drug concentrations of 4 to 16 ng/mL form the therapeutic range for the drug.27 Clozapine Clozapine was first, marketed in the early 1960s, but its use was severely restricted due to the acute agranulocytosis seen in Finland and Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the associated deaths. However, despite this, the early use of the drug suggested its unique antipsychotic actions; these were demonstrated in the 1988 study by Kane et al.11 Since then, use in persons with psychosis unresponsive to other drugs has been strongly advocated and the clinical outcomes have been broadly positive. In some countries, eg, China, clozapine has been used as a first-line

drug because Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of its outstanding clinical actions.28 The clinical Olaparib cost actions of the drug have an associated human physiology, which is consistent with its unique actions (see below). Receptor profile and animal pharmacology Clozapine has a broad affinity for many central nervous system (CNS) receptors. It has measurable affinity not Tolmetin only for D1 and D2 dopamine receptor families (D1 D2, D3, and D4), but also for the serotonin (5-HT1A, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, 5-HT6, and 5-HT7) receptors. In addition, it has significant, affinity for the α1 and α2 adrenergic, cholinergic, and histamine sites.18 Although the affinity of clozapine for these sites overall is low, clinical doses are relatively high, giving clozapine a broad but low-affinity blockade of many CNS receptors in the clinical situation.