yerbae, from Ilex paraguayensis collected from Argentina Von Arx

yerbae, from Ilex paraguayensis collected from Argentina. Von Arx and Müller (1954) considered Phaeobotryosphaeria as a synonym of Botryosphaeria Ces. & De Not. However, Phillips et al. (2008) reinstated it showing that it is morphologically and phylogenetically distinct from Botryosphaeria in the Botryosphaeriaceae. Generic type: Phaeobotryosphaeria yerbae Speg. Phaeobotryosphaeria yerbae Speg., Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires 17: 120 (1908) MycoBank: MB182015 (Fig. 28) Fig. 28 Phaeobotryosphaeria yerbae (LPS 2926, lectotype). a Ascostromata immersed in the substrate. b Longitudinal section of ascostromata. c Longitudinal section through neck. d Young ascus apex with Selleckchem GDC 0032 an ocular chamber. e Ascus.

f Three asci in different stages of development. g−h Ascospores. j Original drawings by Spegazzini (LPS 2926) on the envelope. Scale Bars: a = 0.5 mm, b = 50 μm; c = 20 μm, d, g –i = 10 μm, e–f = 50 μm Saprobic on dead branch. Ascostromata erumpent, irregularly scattered or multiloculate in groups (up to

6), fusiform. Locules in a single layer, flask-shaped, 200–290 × 300–350 μm, with a short neck 80–140 μm long. Peridium of locules single layer, composed of dark brown-walled Pevonedistat mw cells of textura angularis. Pseudoparaphyses abundant, hyphae-like, septate, constricted at septa. Asci 180–200 × 30–35 μm, 8–spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate, with a 30–50 μm long pedicel, apically rounded with an ocular chamber. Ascospores 30−45(−50) × 14–17 μm, brown to dark brown, aseptate, elliptical to ovoid, navicular, rhomboid

when young, thick-walled, smooth, brown, with a hyaline apiculus at either end. Asexual state not this website established. Material examined: ARGENTINA, Misiones, Campo de las Cuias, on branches of Ilex paraguayensis, February 1907, C. Spegazzini (LPS 2926 lectotype designated here); Departamento Iguazú, Parque Nac. Iguazú, on fallen unidentified branches, 17 March 1993, Carmarán 222 (BAFC33591−identified as Botryosphaeria ingiae Kar & Maity). Notes: The type material at LPS comprises four collections (LPS 2923, 2924, 2925, and 2926) under the name Phaeobotryosphaeria yerbae, all collected from the same place on the same date and are thus syntypes. Phillips et al. (2008) examined one collection (LPS 2926) and interpreted this as the holotype. We also studied LPS 2926 and designate this as the lectotype. Staurosporine Romero and Carmarán (1997) reported Botryosphaeria ingae A.K. Kar & Maity also from Argentina, but we have studied the material kept at BAFC Fungi Collection (BAFC33591) and it is identical to Phaeobotryosphaeria yerbae. Phaeobotryosphaeria eucalypti Doilom, J.K. Liu & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. MycoBank: MB 801320 (Fig. 29) Fig. 29 Phaeobotryosphaeria eucalyptus (MFLU12−0753, holotype) a Ascostromata on host substrate. b Section through ascostroma. c Peridium. d Pseudoparaphyses. e Immature asci in Melzers’ reagent. f Mature asci. g Immature ascospore.

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