Isolated, well-defined delusional states and schizophrenia-like p

Isolated, well-defined delusional states and schizophrenia-like psychotic states are uncommon, but, in our experience, have included erotomanic delusions, delusional parasitosis, delusions of bodily decay, and third-party auditory hallucinations. Psychotic symptoms in HD patients are usually treated with neuroleptics, but most practitioners have a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical preference for the atypical agents because of the lower risk of extrapyramidal side effects. Many patients respond to antipsychotic treatments, but some delusional states seem particularly incorrigible, consistent with the inflexibility manifested

by many people with HD. OCD The rate of OCD is another controversial proposition in HD. Repetitive behaviors and speech, inflexibility, perseveration, and preoccupation with idiosyncratic topics are certainly common in Huntington’s disease,12 but these may be just another aspect of the spectrum of “frontal” symptoms that make up the executive dysfunction disorder. It has been Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical reported that 22.3% of HD patients in a

large study had obsessive or compulsive symptoms at their first visit,19 but the instrument used, the behavioral section of the Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS),20 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is poorly validated and lacks the rigor to distinguish true obsessions and compulsions from the personality changes commonly seen in HD. In a smaller study21 50% of HD patients endorsed at least one obsessive or compulsive symptom on the Yale-Brown scale22 and symptoms correlated with deficiencies in executive functioning on cognitive testing. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical However, this scale was not designed to differentiate OCD from similar phenomena, and only the checklist questions and not the severity measures were administered. Clearly, classical cases of OCD exist in Huntington’s disease23 and the frontal lobe, caudate, and globus pallidus have been implicated in OCD.24 Estimates of the rate of OCD in HD and the degree to which certain dysexecutive

Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical symptoms should be given their own Bcl-2 inhibition obsessive-compulsive category depend to a large extent on how much credence is given to the idea of an “obsessive-compulsive spectrum.” Serotonergic agents such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and clomipromine are the mainstay of pharmacotherapy, but often behavioral management techniques, such as distraction and setting a routine, and managing the expectations Megestrol Acetate of friends and family members through education, may be a more effective strategy Cognitive deficits at this stage make cognitve therapies difficult. Psychiatric conditions specific to HD and other frontal-subcortical disorders The executive dysfunction syndrome Of all the psychiatric manifestations of HD, the executive dysfunction syndrome of HD, while difficult to define and characterize, may be the most common. Individuals with this syndrome may become apathetic, irritable, disinhibited, impulsive, obsessional, and perseverative.

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