In an updated report of this study (23), at the 11-year follow-up

In an updated report of this study (23), at the 11-year follow-up, the 10-year rate of cumulative local recurrence was 7.1% and the rate of distant metastases 29.8%. In the Sauer study, 6% of patients in the preoperative group experienced grade 3+ haematological toxicity.

In addition, with approximately 30% to 40% of patients recurring at 10 years, a large proportion of patients receiving neoadjuvant CRT will likely require future salvage chemotherapy. Thus, the significant sparing of bone marrow seen in our study with proton therapy over both IMRT and 3DCRT (P<0.05 for V5, V10, V15, and V20 for proton therapy versus IMRT and proton therapy versus 3DCRT) may be of substantial benefit. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Indeed, sparing bone marrow through the use of proton therapy may reduce the compromise of delivery of CRT in the acute setting while preserving bone Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical marrow function ahead of several lines of myelosuppressive chemotherapy that are delivered in the salvage setting (3). Proton therapy offers the potential to reduce acute and late bowel toxicity from CRT compared to IMRT or 3DCRT in the treatment of rectal cancer. In our study, proton therapy plans had Selleck IWP2 statistically significant Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical superior sparing of the small

bowel compared to both IMRT and 3DCRT for both V10 and V20. Although the median V30 and V40 for IMRT was slightly less than with proton therapy, this was not statistically significant. In this regard, by reducing the low-dose bowel volume irradiated, proton therapy may better allow for dose escalation or avoidance of treatment interruptions in the acute setting. Current research in the neoadjuvant setting revolves around adding new chemotherapy agents to radiation: capecitabine has been shown to be equally efficacious as infusional 5-FU in the treatment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of colon cancer (24,25) and the effectiveness of agents such as oxaliplatin, irinotecan, and bevacuzimab has led to these agents being piloted Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in early-phase trials of neoadjuvant rectal cancer. Nevertheless, bowel toxicity can be a limiting factor in this setting; indeed, the

phase II randomized else RTOG 0247 trial comparing neoadjuvant radiation combined with capecitabine and oxaliplatin versus capecitabine and irinotecan was temporarily suspended due to excess grade 3+ GI toxicity from both the chemotherapy and the radiation. Several studies have shown a potential benefit with IMRT compared to 3DCRT in rectal cancer with regard to the small bowel dose (26,27). Such studies are the foundation to the hypothesis for the RTOG 0822 study, which involves using IMRT with concurrent multiagent chemotherapy to reduce small bowel exposure and therefore acute GI toxicity, thus enabling better dose delivery and dose escalation of concurrent chemotherapy. Similarly, proton therapy may permit additional small bowel sparing, allow chemotherapy dose escalation, and increased patient compliance.

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