Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the associations between dental caries experience, malocclusions, MP parameters and OHRQoL in children 8–12 years old. The sample size was calculated based on the MP of children obtained in a previous study,12 which was carried out in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. The sample size was calculated using the following website: Considering a mean of 4.60 X50 and standard deviation (SD) of 1.0 and allowing a sampling error of 5% and a confidence level of 90%, the sample size was calculated as 141 individuals. Three hundred authorizations were
distributed to students attending four public schools in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, and consents were obtained from 210 parents/guardians. Sixty children were excluded because they did not fulfil all examinations. A total of 150 public
school students (74 boys and 76 girls) who were 8–12 years old and in the mixed dentition stage participated in the study. The child’s families belonged to a very low economic class and their mothers had limited schooling. Race was not considered. The procedures, possible discomforts or risks and the possible benefits were fully explained to the participants and their parents/guardians, and the Ethics Committee of Piracicaba Dental School approved the study (Protocols No. 021/2006 and No. 037/2006). The exclusion criteria were as follows: the presence of
a systemic disturbance that could compromise the masticatory system, neurological disorders or cerebral palsy; the use of drugs that depress the central nervous system either directly or indirectly involving muscular activity; Fluorometholone Acetate antihistamine treatment; sedatives; syrups or homoeopathy treatment; and inappropriate behaviour and/or refusal to participate in the evaluation of the variables observed during the clinical examination. Patients in need of dental treatment were asked to go to the Clinics of Pediatric Dentistry at Piracicaba Dental School. Each of the two calibrated examiners (TSB and MCMT) examined a fraction of participant sample for dental caries and malocclusions in accordance with the criteria of the World Health Organization (WHO).17 All examinations took place at the children’s school outdoors in daylight, but not in direct sunlight. Presence of dental caries was recorded using the dmft and DMFT indexes (decayed, missing and filled teeth in the primary and permanent dentitions, respectively) with the D, M and F components scored separately. The teeth were cleaned with gauze before the examination, which was performed using a mouth mirror and a round probe. Malocclusion was scored using the dental aesthetic index (DAI) developed by Cons et al.