This term is small and can approach zero as the wire length is large enough. The second term describes the coupling between the right MF and the QD with coupling strength g, where the coupling strength
depends on the distance between the hybrid QD-NR system and the hybrid semiconductor/superconductor H 89 cell line heterostructure. Compared with electrical detection scheme which the QD is coupled to MF via the tunneling, here in our optical scheme, the exciton-MF coupling is mainly due to the dipole-dipole interaction. Since in current experiments the distance between QD and MF can be adjusted to locate the distance by about several tens of nanometers. In this case, the tunneling between the QD and MF can be neglected. It should be also noted that the term of non-conservation for energy, i.e. , is generally neglected. We have made the numerical calculations (not shown in the following figures) and shown that the effect of this term is too small to be considered in our theoretical treatment, especially for calculating the nonlinear optical properties of the QD. The optical pump-probe technology learn more includes a strong pump laser and a weak probe laser [54], which provides an effective way to investigate the light-matter interaction. Based on the optical pump-probe scheme, the linear and nolinear optical effects can be observed via the probe absorption spectrum. Xu
et al. [30] have obtained coherent optical spectroscopy of a strongly driven quantum dot without a nanomechanical resonator. Recently, this optical pump-probe scheme has also been demonstrated experimentally in a cavity optomechanical system [31]. In terms of this scheme, we apply a strong pump laser and a weak probe laser to the QD embedded in the NR simultaneously. The Hamiltonian of the QD coupled to the pump laser and probe laser is given by [54] , where µ is the dipole moment of the exciton, ω pu (ω pr) is the frequency of the pump (probe) laser, and E pu
(E pr) is the slowly varying envelope of the pump (probe) laser. Therefore, one can obtain the total Hamiltonian of the hybrid system as H=H QD-NR+H MBS+H QD-L. According to the Heisenberg equation of motion and introducing the corresponding Histone demethylase damping and noise terms, in a rotating frame at the pump laser frequency ω pu, we derive the quantum Langevin equations of the coupled system as follows: (1) (2) (3) (4) where N=b ++b. Γ 1 (Γ 2) is the Selleck Inhibitor Library exciton relaxation rate (dephasing rate), κ MF (γ m ) is the decay rate of the MF (nanomechanical resonator). Δ pu=ω QD-ω pu is the detuning of the exciton frequency and the pump frequency, is the Rabi frequency of the pump field, and δ=ω pr-ω pu is the probe-pump detuning. Δ MF=ω MF-ω pu is the detuning of the MF frequency and the pump frequency. is the δ-correlated Langevin noise operator, which has zero mean and obeys the correlation function .