The lavage was performed using sterile isotonic saline solution

The lavage was performed using sterile isotonic saline solution. This was sprayed into the nasal cavity using a container of glass and a plastic selleck compound library atomizer nozzle. A centrifuge tube was placed in crushed ice and topped with a plastic funnel. The saline was sprayed three times into each nostril at the nasal conchae. The study subject was instructed to breathe by the mouth and to lean forward and let the fluid drop from the nostrils into the funnel until 10 mL was collected in the tube. The tubes were kept on ice until centrifugation, which was performed within 3 h (Naclerio et

al. 1983; Quirce et al. 2010). Analysis of the nasal lavage The supernatant was obtained by centrifugation of the sample volume at 0.3 g for 10 min at 4 °C. The samples were kept at −80 °C until analysis. For Substance P, one ml of nasal

lavage fluid was transferred into a 3.6 mL Nunc cryotube containing 1 mL of inhibitor. For ECP and tryptase analysis, the supernatant was transferred into a 3.6-mL cryotube. We could not exclude blood in the nasal lavage samples, and therefore, we did not include the data for albumin. The levels of ECP and tryptase were analyzed by a double antibody fluoro enzyme immunoassay. These assays are available as commercial kits (Pharmacia Diagnostics AB, Uppsala, Sweden). Substance P was analyzed by an Immuno Linked Immuno Assay, ELISA (Cayman Chemical Company, Ann Arbor, MI, USA). The detection limit for albumin was 0.4 mg/L, for ECP 0.5 μg/L, for Substance P 8.2 ng/L and for tryptase 1.0 μg/L. Specific nasal challenge A specific nasal challenge was performed before and after 4 weeks of exposure in the S+ group. The challenge was made with a 0.001 % fresh solution of potassium persulphate in isotonic saline solution and after

20 min with a 0.01 % solution (w/v) using a de Vilbiss spray (atomizer No. 15) as earlier described (Nielsen et al. 1994). A total of 300 μg of each solution was sprayed into the nasal cavity by turns. The spraying was performed immediately after a maximal inspiration to prevent the solution from entering the lower airways (Mellilo et al. 1997). Nasal symptoms (blockage, running nose) were recorded using a score system from 0–3 (0 = no symptoms, 3 = severe symptoms) before and 15 min after each challenge. The rating was performed for each nostril, and the average was used. The number of sneezes was counted and scored as “no sneeze attacks” = 0; 1–5 = 1; 6–15 = 2; >15 = 3. A combined nasal symptom score was calculated from nasal blocking, secretions and sneezes (Malm et al. 1981). Acoustic rhinometry (AR) was performed using a RhinoScan v. 2.5 (Interacoustics A/S, Assens, Denmark) according to Hilberg and Pedersen (2000). The measurements were made as earlier described in Kronholm Diab et al. (2009).

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