The boxes mark the lower and upper quartiles, the solid and dashe

The boxes mark the lower and upper quartiles, the solid and dashed lines show the median and mean, respectively, and the whiskers represent the 10th and 90th percentiles.

The results for CT and a fertiliser rate of 50 kg N/ha represent those of the reference scenario For chickpea, the variability of yield (Fig. 4c, d) and WUE (Fig. 4g, h) was similar in all treatment combinations. With CT and BCT, there was a negative response of chickpea yield and WUE to increasing rates of N applied this website to the preceding wheat crop. This can be explained by the greater water use by fertilised wheat, leaving less residual soil moisture for the following chickpea crop. This was different in the NT system, where chickpea yield and WUE increased with increasing rates of fertiliser N applied to wheat. In this case, the positive effects of soil water conservation on chickpea growth were greater than those of increased water use by the fertilised wheat crop. Wheat and chickpea GMs decreased in the order NT > CT > BCT (Fig. 5). This was true across seasons at any level of fertiliser N applied to wheat (results not shown). The wheat GM was lower with BCT compared to CT (Fig. 5a) because of revenue losses related to stubble burning after the wheat phase (Table 3). In the NT system, break-even in wheat production was

PD-0332991 manufacturer achieved at all N rates. In both the CT and BCT systems, the risk of not breaking even in wheat production was 8 % at N50 (Fig. 5). This risk was greater with N0 (50 %) and N100 (25 %) (not shown). In chickpea, GM differences between CT and BCT were marginal because of similar yields in both tillage systems. Break-even in chickpea

production was achieved in all tillage systems (Fig. 5). Fig. 5 Cumulative probability of simulated gross margin (GM) for a wheat and b chickpea grown in rotations subjected to conventional tillage (CT), conventional tillage with stubble burning after wheat (BCT) and no-tillage (NT) at Tel Hadya. The fertiliser N Edoxaban applied to wheat was 50 kg N/ha. The solid line represents distributions of GM in the reference scenario Soil organic carbon was highest with NT, followed by CT and was lowest in the BCT system (Table 3). However, all management scenarios were sustainable when the initial conditions at the start of the simulations (30 October 1979) were taken as the reference point (Fig. 6), i.e. even when no fertiliser N was applied. In general, OC in 0–0.3-m soil depth (as on 1 November) was simulated to increase over 25 seasons with increasing amounts of N fertiliser and crop residues retained in the system. Fig. 6 Soil organic carbon (OC) in 0–0.3-m soil depth under a conventional (CT), b burn-conventional (BCT) and c no-tillage (NT) in wheat–chickpea rotations simulated for Tel Hadya. The levels of fertiliser N applied to wheat were (filled triangles) 0, (open KU55933 supplier squares) 50 and (filled squares) 100 kg N/ha.

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