No conidiation seen at 25°C. At 15°C colony circular,
with similar hyphae but denser and margin better defined than at 25°C. Conidiation noted after 12–20 days, scant, developing slowly, pachybasium-like, in thick white fluffy tufts 2–9 mm diam, mostly on the distal and lateral SU5402 chemical structure margins, with many right angles and straight or slightly sinuous sterile elongations to 0.5 mm long. On PDA after 72 h 12–14 mm at 15°C, 11–13 mm at 25°C; mycelium not Quisinostat mw covering the plate within a month at 15 and 25°C. Hyphae narrow, secondary hyphae minute, wavy, peg-like. Colony with wavy or lobed margin, not zonate, dense to opaque, with lighter radial patches or homogeneous, whitish downy surface. Aerial hyphae numerous, without distinct orientation, forming a loose whitish mat with irregular strands and large connectives, eventually collapsing to floccules. Autolytic activity absent, coilings common. No diffusing pigment produced, reverse cream-yellowish, 3–4A3, 4B4; odour indistinct. Conidiation absent at 25°C. At 15°C similar, colony more regular,
dense, shiny, with lighter radial rays. Conidiation noted after 25–32 days in white tufts to 3 mm diam in the centre, scant, pachybasium-like; sometimes confluent to larger masses. On SNA after 72 h 10–13 mm at 15°C, 4–5 mm at 25°C; mycelium covering the plate after 2 weeks at 15°C, not covering the plate within a month at 25°C. Colony circular, dense, with numerous minute, peg-like Farnesyltransferase secondary hyphae; indistinctly zonate, hyphae degenerating from the centre, becoming empty. Aerial hyphae inconspicuous, minute.
Autolytic activity and coilings Selleck Ruxolitinib absent. Chlamydospores noted after 10–14 days at 15°C, common, irregularly distributed, terminal and intercalary, (6–)7–11(–15) × (4–)6–10(–11) μm, l/w 0.9–1.4(–2.1) (n = 30), globose, oblong or clavate, sometimes 2–3 celled. No diffusing pigment noted; odour indistinct. Conidiation absent at 25°C or in white pustules after ca 1.5 months. At 15°C colony circular, margin becoming wavy to lobed. Conidiation noted after 9–11 days, dry, pachybasium-like, developing from within white tufts or pustules 1–3(–5) mm diam, confluent up to 9 mm long, irregularly disposed or in a concentric zone including the proximal margin and centre, or/and in a broad zone including the margin. Pustules dense but not opaque, a reticulum of mostly unpaired branches in right angles with erect conidiophores (main axes) to ca 0.5 mm long emerging from it. Main axes to 7.5 μm wide and thick-walled at the base, attenuated upwards to 2.5–4 μm terminally, fertile to the tip or terminating in a straight or sinuous sterile elongation 50–150(–300) μm long to the first branching, smooth or appearing rough in the stereo-microscope. Conidiophores (main axes without elongations and side branches) with a whorl of phialides at the top, followed by short paired or unpaired 1–2 celled branches in right angles, each with a terminal whorl of phialides.