Nevertheless, the
finding of high levels of concordance is consistent with those of Kremer et al. [27], where 75% of a group of 79 patients with HIV infection perceived collaborative/active involvement in decision-making, using the Control Preferences Scale to measure decisional role perceptions. Concordance was significantly related to positive health-related factors, including better quality of life, less severe and burdensome symptom experience, better psychological symptoms, higher levels of adherence and greater satisfaction. In addition, higher concordance was related to higher CD4 cell count (at questionnaire completion and 6–12 months later). Better adherence did not appear to explain this relationship, as the strength of the relationship between concordance and CD4 cell count changed very little when adherence was added to the regression model. Other possible mechanisms STA-9090 price by which concordance could
exert its positive effects on CD4 cell count are increased perceived control over the illness [28], which could in turn influence health behaviours, or reduced uncertainty, anxiety or depression as a result of greater sharing of information [29] or increased confidence in the decision. Higher concordance could also increase efficacy with respect to the capacity to cope with HIV infection and its treatment [29], which has been shown to be associated with better psychological state (e.g. less depression) [30], which is itself associated with better immunological Veliparib in vivo outcomes [31]. Indeed, trends were also observed for less anxiety/depression and fewer suicidal thoughts with higher concordance, but the relationship between concordance and CD4 cell count remained significant after controlling for quality of life-anxiety/depression scores. Concordance was not associated Meloxicam with risk behaviour or VL. The first finding is consistent with the study by Beach et al. [32], which did not find a significant relationship between patient perceptions of ‘being
known as a person’ and risk behaviour. The components of concordance ‘shared decision-making process’ and ‘medical decision’ were each individually related to positive health-related outcomes, including satisfaction with medical care and treatment, quality of life and adherence. ‘Shared decision-making process’ might have been related to positive outcomes because patients who perceived greater involvement in the decision-making process experienced a greater sense of control over their illness [28] or greater coping efficacy [29] or because their expectations for care were more likely to be met [33]. ‘Medical decision’ could have been related to positive outcomes because the patient perceived that the doctor played a part in the decision. Vertinsky et al.