Am J Clin Nutr 2009; 89: 27-36.”
“Objectives Understanding patient’s perceptions about palliative care is necessary to make an effective referral. The aim was to develop and validate a measure of patient perceptions. Methods Items were generated through patient, family caregiver and health professional interviews. The Perceptions of Palliative Care Instrument (PPCI) was administered to 85 patients with advanced cancer (AC). A subset (n=39) completed it 7days later. Participants also completed the Palliative Dinaciclib research buy Care Outcome
Scale (POS), the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS) and the Distress Thermometer (DT) for validation purposes. Results Factor analysis revealed four domains (positive and negative emotional and cognitive reactions to palliative care, emotional and practical palliative care needs and perceptions of health) and eight subscales BMS-345541 cell line with factor loadings for all items above 0.51, explaining 6181% of the total variance. Reliability
analyses revealed high internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha coefficients >0.76). Intraclass correlation coefficients showed moderate to strong correlations between time points indicating stability over time. All POS items correlated with two or more dimensions of the PPCI (all r>0.30); ESAS total distress correlated positively with the palliative care needs domain and the DT with needs and perceived burden (all r>0.30). Conclusions The PPCI is a four-factor, 37-item measure that assesses perceptions of palliative
care held by patients with AC. The measure has good internal consistency, testretest reliability and convergent validity. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & 点击此处 Sons, Ltd.”
“Hepatic tuberculosis is an uncommon form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, particularly when it presents in the form of liver abscess. Here, we report a 64-year-old man who was admitted to our hospital having experienced intermittent chills for 3 months. Aspiration of the liver abscess revealed neither bacteria nor acid-fast bacilli, but pus and granulation tissue were found. Antituberculous therapy was started empirically and cultures of the abscess confirmed the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 3 weeks later. We suggest that tuberculous liver abscess should be considered in patients not showing typical features or who fail to respond to antibiotics.”
“In spite of the importance of and the considerable variability observed in Passiflora (Passifloraceae), little is known about the genetic diversity of most of the species of this genus. We evaluated the genetic diversity by RAPD markers in 18 genotypes of Passiflora trintae. The 15 primers generated 112 markers, 84% of which were polymorphic. The genetic distance estimated by the complement of the Dice index (average dissimilarity = 0.30) and genotype grouping based on the UPGMA algorithm showed low variability among genotypes.