3 M 81 – + + + – - + + + 7/10 Died 4 M 74 + – - + – + – - – 4/10 Surv. 5 F 67 + + – - – - – + – 3/10 Surv. 6 M 55 – - – + + – - + – 3/10 Surv. 7 F 76 + + – + + + – + – 7/10 Died 8 M 56 – + – + + – - – - 3/10 Surv. 9 F drug discovery 73 + – + – - + + – - 5/10 Surv. 10 M 72 – + – - – + + – - 4/10 Surv. 11 M 78 + + + + – + + – + 8/10 Died 12 M 71 – - – - – - – + – 2/10 Surv. 13 M 64 – + – - + – - – - 2/10 Surv. 14 F 68 + + – - – - + – - 3/10 Surv. 15 F 74
+ – + + – - – - – 4/10 Surv. Elderly patients and history of COPD are present in the 67% of cases, cancer and sepsis in the 53,3% of cases. The presence of anemia, diabetes mellitus and the history of received chemotherapy or radiotherapy are 40% in iur patients. Malnutrition and obesity are present in one third of our patients. Only 20% of patients did receive treatment with steroids in the last 12 months. Concerning the surgical history and the postoperative
morbidity, the results are listed in table 3. Table 3 Patients surgical characteristics and postoperative outcome n Incision Wound closure Drain Postoperative Complication Wound dehiscence observed Postoperative day 1 Kocher Separate closure No No 6 2 Midline Separate closure Yes No 9 3 Midline Separate closure Yes Pneumonia 14 4 Midline Separate closure Yes No 9 5 Midline Separate closure Yes No 7 6 Midline Separate closure Yes No 8 7 Midline Continuous closure No Fistula 7 8 Kocher Separate closure No Intraabdominal Sepsis, Abscess 9 9 Mercedes Separate closure Yes No 16 10 Kocher Separate closure No No 14 11 Midline Continuous closure Yes No 7 12 Midline Separate closure Yes Catheter Sepsis 6 13 Belnacasan nmr Midline Continuous closure Yes No 9 14 Midline Continuous closure Yes Catheter Sepsis 9 15 Midline Continuous closure Yes Fossariinae Pneumonia 8 Wound dehiscence was more often observed on the 9,2 postoperative day (ranging from the 6th to 15th). Three patients (20%) developed wound dehiscence after their initial discharge and were readmitted to our hospital. Concerning the type of incision or the abdominal closure, only the presence of interrupted suturing of linea alba (10/14) patients plays a role in the wound dehiscence. This factor factor
is a hypoestimated parameter in he past as a possible risk factor. All patients are reoperated after the wound dehiscence diagnosis and three of them (20%) died due to postoperative complication of reoperation. In one of them recurrence of wound dehiscence was observed. Regarding the preoperative risk factors, three from four (75%) patients with 7 or more risk factors did die. The abdominal closure was performed using mesh in 4 cases, a flap in 2 cases and a continuous suturing in 9 cases. Retention suture were used in 2 cases. Discussion Wound dehiscence is a mechanical failure of wound healing, remains a problem and it can be affected by multiple factors. Pre-operative conditions especially in elective operations should be recommended to reduce or eliminate the risk.