2-q22 regions. This CGH profile is represented in Figure 7. Figure 7 CGH profile of FU-MFH-2 cell line showing high-level amplification of 9q31-q34, gains of 1p12-p34.3, 2p21, 2q11.2-q21, 3p, 4p, 6q22-qter, 8p11.2, 8q11.2-q21.1, 9q21-qter, 11q13, 12q24, 15q21-qter, 16p13, 17, 20, and X, and losses of 1q43-qter, 4q32-qter, 5q14-q23, 7q32-qter, 8p21-pter, 8q23, 9p21-pter, 10p11.2-p13, and 10q11.2-q22. The line in the middle (gray) is the baseline ratio (1.0); the left (red) and right (green) lines indicate ratio values of 0.8 and 1.2, respectively. Bars to the left (red) and right (green) of each frame indicate losses and gains, respectively. selleck kinase inhibitor The terminology 1(10) represents 10 aberrations detected
on chromosome 1. The same applies to other chromosomes shown in the profile. Discussion We established the FU-MFH-2 cell line derived from human pleomorphic MFH and used various analytical
methods to characterize this cell line. FU-MFH-2 cells exhibited a spindle and polygonal shape, similar to other pleomorphic MFH cell lines established previously [5, 13, 15]. The immunophenotype of FU-MFH-2 GSK872 cells in vitro and in vivo was similar to that of the original tumor cells. In addition, FU-MFH-2 cells could grow in vivo to produce tumors with histopathologic features similar to those of the original tumor in SCID mice. Furthermore, FU-MFH-2 and the original tumor had the same DNA sequence copy number changes by CGH. These findings suggested that this cell line has retained the characteristics of the original tumor. Cytogenetic analyses of pleomorphic MFH have revealed highly complex karyotypes lacking specific https://www.selleckchem.com/products/gsk126.html structural or numerical aberrations [1, 22]. Recurrent breakpoints are seen in chromosome bands 1p36, 1q11, 1q21, 3p12, 11p11, 17p11, and 19p13 [23–25]. As expected, the FU-MFH-2 cells had MEK inhibitor complex karyotypes with a number of numerical and
structural alterations, including marker chromosomes. Using M-FISH analysis, we were able to decipher the origin of marker chromosomes and complex chromosomal rearrangements. These results emphasize the usefulness of M-FISH in the description of complex changes occurring in pleomorphic MFH cell lines. CGH studies have indicated that chromosomal gains seem to be more frequent than losses in pleomorphic MFH. Genomic imbalances frequently include gains of 1p31, 5p, 6q22-q24, 7q32, 9q31-q34, 12q13-q15, and 17q and losses of 9p21-pter and 13q14-q21 [26–30]. The FU-MFH-2 cells also had gains of 1p12-p34.3, 6q22-qter, 9q21-qter, and 17 and loss of 9p21-pter. Moreover, a high-level amplification at 9q31-q34 was detected in FU-MFH-2 cells, suggesting a critical role in pleomorphic MFH progression. Interestingly, Tarkkanen et al. reported that gain of 9q32-qter was one of the most frequent genomic imbalances in MFH of bone [31]. Several candidate genes have been mapped to this chromosomal region, including VAV2, ABL1, Notch1, and Tenascin-C (TNC).