�� The amount of tea/coffee consumed daily was identified

�� The amount of tea/coffee consumed daily was identified selleck catalog according to the number of tea glasses for tea and number of coffee cups for coffee.2.3.2. Women’s Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale (WHIIRS) Women’s Health Initiative Group used a scale consisting of 10 items to evaluate insomnia on 66.269 postmenopausal women aged between 50 and 79 years. Levine et al. developed Women’s Health Initiative Insomnia Rating Scale (WHIIRS) by creating 5 questions with these ten items [13�C15]. The reliability and validity of the scale were enhanced by Timur and Sahin for Turkey [16]. The scale is a 5-point Likert type in which the first 4 questions aim to identify the beginning of insomnia, sleep-maintenance insomnia, and the state of waking up early in the mornings, while the last question is associated with quality of sleep.

Each question was replied considering the women’s experience in the last 4 weeks and the frequency of the experience in each week. The first four questions in WHIIRS are rated between 0 and 4 and evaluated depending on the answers. ��0�� score indicates that there is no problem in relation to insomnia, while ��4�� indicates that there are problems in relation to insomnia for 5 or more times in a week. The highest score obtained from the scale demonstrated the highest levels of insomnia symptoms. The scores ranged between 0 and 20. The Cronbach Alpha value of the WHIIRS was found 0.85 by Timur and Sahin (2009) [13�C16]. The reliability of the scale was analyzed in this study as well, and Cronbach Alpha value was found 0.77, which indicated its reliability and validity.

2.3.3. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Level of depression was measured using the BDI. BDI was developed by Beck et al. (1974) and adapted to Turkish by Hisli (1988). The BDI is a self-report scale with 21 items that measure the emotional, somatic, cognitive, and motivational symptoms seen in the individual with depression. The aim of the scale GSK-3 is not to diagnose depression, but to objectively determine the severity of depressive symptoms. BDI scores greater than or equal to 17 have been reported to indicate depression with more than 90% accuracy that might require treatment. The score range on each item is 0�C3, and the overall depression score is simply the sum of the item scores. The highest score is 63 [17, 18]. In the samples of this study, Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.83. 2.4. Statistical AnalysisThe data obtained from the study were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 10.0 package programming through one way Anova test (ANOVA), significance test between the two mean scores (t), and Backward Stepwise Logistic Regression Analysis.

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