The acute replacement of volume loss incurred by sweat loss after exercising in the heat did not differ between different states of the menstrual cycle. The question arises as to the reason for better VO2max recovery in our study when rehydrating with DMW. The maximum oxygen pulse changed in
a similar manner as VO2max, but at 4 h of recovery it was 7% higher in the DMW trial. check details The oxygen pulse is significantly related to stroke volume but not to the arteriovenous O2 difference in men and women [31]. One possible explanation is that stroke volume recovered better in the DMW trial and that this led to a faster and better recovery of VO2max. In humans, VO2max is limited by the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to the exercising muscles [32]. It has been established recently that maximum heart rate and myocardial work capacity do not limit VO2max in healthy individuals [33]. Munch et al. [33] found that limited left learn more ventricular filling and possibly altered contractility reduce stroke volume during atrial pacing, whereas
a plateau in left ventricular filling pressure appears to restrict cardiac output close to VO2max. The left ventricular filling may be associated with blood plasma volume. Experiments with plasma volume expansion showed that 200–300 mL of plasma volume expansion increased stroke volume measured during submaximal exercise and, consequently, increased VO2max
and performance in untrained men [34]. Expansion of the plasma volume is a well-recognized early response to endurance training and is observed Selonsertib even as an acute response to a single bout of intense exercise. The onset of the phenomenon is extremely rapid: hypervolemia is observed within minutes or hours of the cessation of exercise. However, 2 days are necessary to reach peak plasma volume expansion after a marathon or ultramarathon run. The magnitude of this natural expansion ranges from 9% to 25%, corresponding Erastin to an additional 300–700 mL of plasma. Hypervolemia can improve performance by inducing better muscle perfusion and by increasing stroke volume and maximal cardiac output. By increasing skin blood flow, plasma volume expansion also enhances thermoregulatory responses to exercise [35]. The effects of plasma volume expansion or training on stroke volume or VO2max do not differ between men and women [36]. Thus we suppose that this parameter recovered better in DMW trial ensuring better recovery of stroke volume and VO2max. In our study, muscle power remained significantly reduced in the placebo trial but recovered faster and approached the control level 48 h after ADE in the DMW trial. CK activity changed in a similar manner in both trials and was elevated 24 h after ADE. Decreased muscle power and elevated CK activity indicate the presence of fatigue, which may be associated with muscle damage. Warren et al.