This situation is different from the United States and other European countries where the majority of advice and prescriptions are given by nurses.26–28 But training appears to be the most important key for success: training in travel medicine has indeed been associated with an improved quality of travel health advice in a number of studies, but this was independent
of whether a physician or a nurse was providing the advice.12 Second, all physicians were asked to use a computerized decision support system to help their prescriptions. Use of standardized, regularly updated and readily available sources of information on travel advice is indeed likely to improve the quality of advice. Computerized databases such as Edisan are advantageous because they incorporate detailed information, especially when there is a large this website intra-national variation in travel health risks. Third, all physicians and nurses from our travel medicine and vaccination center were aware of the study objectives and of its timelines. It remains to be seen however if similar results could be obtained in a different
setting, and could Maraviroc be sustained overtime. Despite these good results our study has some limitations. The study is monocentric and evaluation has not been performed by independent experts. We only looked at three travel-associated diseases to the detriment of other important health travel topics, and therefore we were not able to assess the quality of travel health advice in general. Nevertheless, these three important diseases Tyrosine-protein kinase BLK appear relevant for evaluation of the performance of a travel health clinic. Also, for each of these diseases we only assessed the adequacy of prescriptions to national guidelines and not the overall efficacy of the advice since we did not collect data from the same patients following their trip abroad. Indeed, in at least one case, a patient came back to us with Plasmodium falciparum malaria after being wrongly advised for malaria prophylaxis. Furthermore, although malaria prophylaxis was in accordance with national guidelines in 95.1%
of cases, the prescription of mosquito nets, another important prophylactic tool, was prescribed to only 77.7% of travelers to malaria-endemic areas.5 Finally, our results do not take in account overprescriptions of malaria prophylaxis or yellow fever vaccinations which occurred in four patients, and which should be avoided due to the cost and adverse events associated with these prescriptions, in particular the risk of vaccine-associated neurotropic or viscerotropic disease.29–31 In conclusion, appropriate advice for malaria prophylaxis, yellow fever, and hepatitis A vaccinations was provided in our travel medicine and vaccine center over a 3-month period. These good results were obtained by trained physicians in travel medicine who used a computerized decision support system. Even in this setting however, errors did occur.