Viral breakthrough and relapse were infrequent in all treatment groups, with no statistically significant differences observed between dosing of TVR every 8 hours or every 12 hours. The PK analysis showed a higher maximum concentration (Cmax) and lower predose concentration when TVR was given every 12 hours compared with every 8 hours, but this difference did not translate into any differences in clinical outcome. In addition, the safety profile was similar in both treatment groups. However, given the small number of patients per arm, confirmation of these results was warranted in a larger clinical trial.
OPTIMIZE is the first phase 3 trial to investigate the use of TVR twice daily versus every 8 hours in combination with PEG-IFN/RBV. Alectinib mouse Here we present findings check details on the efficacy and safety of the 2 dosing regimens in treatment-naive patients with G1 HCV, including patients with cirrhosis. Patients were enrolled at 125 international sites. The study was initiated on November 15, 2010, and completed on November 28, 2012. Eligible patients were 18 to 70 years of age and treatment naive, with HCV RNA levels >1000 IU/mL and evidence of chronic HCV infection confirmed by detectable HCV RNA >6 months before the screening visit or by histological diagnosis based on liver biopsy. All patients had a documented liver biopsy
<2 years before screening or had a biopsy performed within the screening period. Patients were excluded if they had an HCV genotype other than 1 or if
they had received prior HCV treatment. Patients were not eligible if they had decompensated liver disease, hepatocellular carcinoma, or significant liver disease in addition to hepatitis C, including drug- or alcohol-related cirrhosis. OPTIMIZE was a randomized, open-label, multicenter, phase 3 study comparing the efficacy, safety, and tolerability Dapagliflozin of TVR 1125 mg twice daily versus TVR 750 mg every 8 hours, each in combination with PEG-IFN/RBV (NCT01241760). The study consisted of a screening period of approximately 4 weeks, a treatment phase of 24 or 48 weeks, and a follow-up period of at least 24 weeks. Written informed consent was obtained from all study participants. The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the appropriate review boards or institutional ethics committees and health authorities. The study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the Good Clinical Practice guidelines, and applicable regulatory requirements. The primary study objective was to establish noninferiority in SVR12 (defined as plasma HCV RNA levels <25 IU/mL 12 weeks after the last planned dose of study drug) with dosing of TVR twice daily compared with every 8 hours.