MB9), the a*ph(λ) spectrum of the surface water was flat in the blue-green region. The surface Chl a concentrations on the NS transect were generally lower (< 5 μg l− 1) and a*ph(λ) values were high (≥ 0.003 m2(mg TChl a)− 1) at most of the stations ( Figure 7). At the stations where the marker pigment for diatoms was high (> 0.5 μg l− 1), very low ā*ph(λ) values (≥ 0.003 m2(mg TChl a)− 1) were recorded. The blue-red peak ratios (a*ph(440) : a*ph(675)), a reflection of accessory pigment absorption as well as of pigment packaging, showed a value of 1.45 ± 0.56 (mean ± SD)
on the NS transect and 1.56 ± 0.38 on the EW transect. Comparatively low ratios (< 1.2) of a*ph(440) : a*ph(675) at stn. MB12 could be associated with the combined effect of packaging and relatively elevated ratios of accessory pigments like fucoxanthin, peridinin and diadinoxanthin. click here The marked absorption peaks at 455 nm and 653 nm at almost all stations can also be attributed to a high ratio of Chl b to TChl a. It was observed that the fourth derivative of the absorption spectra was useful for identifying pigment peaks (Figure 8). At most stations Chl a absorption maxima were found around wavelengths 440 and 675 nm, while accessory pigments displayed their absorption peaks in the 490–550 nm regions.
The stations on the north-south transect showed small peaks in the 560–618 nm region, which could be accounted BMS-354825 in vitro for by degradation products and Chl c. Fucoxanthin peaks could be identified in the 521–530 nm region in the stations towards the northern
part of the bay. The diadinoxanthin peak was detectable at 425–500 nm at most stations. Phycoerythrobilin was suggested check details for the peak at 548 nm. Smaller peaks were observed in the 589–594 nm region and also at 627 and 647 nm. The regression of the chlorophyll absorption maxima at the red region with the chlorophyll a concentration showed a good correlation for chlorophyll a (r2 = 0.71, n = 39). The a*ph values recorded in the present study are typical of eutrophic waters, and such values are similar for a diatom dominated condition ( Prézelin & Boczar 1986). The inverse correlation observed in this study between chlorophyll-specific absorption and Chl a concentration (y = − 291.65 + 8.5873; r2 = 0.268, n = 29) is well documented in many previous studies ( Prieur and Sathyendranath, 1981, Bricaud et al., 1995, Bricaud et al., 2004, Cleveland, 1995, Ciotti et al., 1999 and Sathyendranath et al., 2001). There was a pronounced variation in the values of a*ph(440) at the centre of the bloom patch and beyond it. At stn. MB9, where the highest chlorophyll concentration was observed at the surface, the value of a*ph(λ) was very low, varying by two orders of magnitude with respect to the nearby stations (stn. MB7, MB8 and MB13) (see Figure 7).